Armored Cable

Product applications

Suitable for directly buried power wiring and offers excellent protection against external
mechanical damage to ensure that the system maintains normal operation.

Product Type

1. 0.6/1(1.2)kV1.8/3(3.6)kV XLPE/AWA(SWA)/PVC Power Cable
2. 0.6/1(1.2)kV
1.8/3(3.6)kV XLPE/AWA(SWA)/LSHF Power Cable
3. 3.6/6(7.2)
18/30(36)kV XLPE/AWA(SWA)/PVC Power Cable
4. 3.6/6(7.2)
18/30(36)kV XLPE/AWA(SWA)/LSHF Power Cable

Product Features

1. Adding an armored layer to the cable increases the mechanical protection in terms
    of tensile strength and compressive strength and at the same time extends the service
    life of the cable.
2. The armored layer can effectively prevent Rat/termite damage from biting and corrosion,
    protect the core conductor, and prevent transmission problems due to cable failure. 
3. Can be buried and laid directly, eliminating the need for conduit runs and simplifying
4. Complies with the IEC 60502-1 or IEC 60502-2 standards.

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