Company Announcement

Material Information:The Company's Board of Directors resolved to 2024 annual self-assessed consolidated financial information




Date of



Time of




 The Company's Board of Directors resolved to 2024 annual self-assessed consolidated financial information

Date of events


To which item it meets

paragraph 31


 1.Date of submission to the board of directors or approval by the board of


2.Date of approval by the audit committee:NA

3.Start and end dates of financial reports or annual self-assessed financial

 information of the reporting period (XXXX/XX/XX~XXXX/XX/XX):


4.Operating revenue accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period

(thousand NTD):6,583,904

5.Gross profit (loss) from operations accumulated from 1/1 to end of

the period (thousand NTD):1,042,854

6.Net operating income (loss) accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period

(thousand NTD):800,163

7.Profit (loss) before tax accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period

 (thousand NTD):944,903

8.Profit (loss) accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period

 (thousand NTD):753,227

9.Profit (loss) during the period attributable to owners of parent

accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):753,117

10.Basic earnings (loss) per share accumulated from 1/1 to end of

the period (NTD):2.38

11.Total assets end of the period (thousand NTD):8,662,849

12.Total liabilities end of the period

(thousand NTD):1,062,773

13.Equity attributable to owners of parent end of the

period (thousand NTD):7,597,677

14.Any other matters that need to be specified:None

The above information is released on the Market Observation Post System.

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